The Bible says to ask and it will be given to us. So many times we go around trying to figure out how to fix our own problems. We go around in circles wondering why things take forever to work out, and some things don’t work out at all. Some of us wonder why others seem to have it all, while we have nothing. It’s because we don’t ask. Jesus tells us,
And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. {Luke 11:9-10}
It’s such a simple concept and yet so many of us go around figuring things out for ourselves. When we do ask for help, we go to everyone else except the Lord. We don’t think He can help us. We don’t think He understands what we’re going through. If we believe He does, we nevertheless think we can do it ourselves and we don’t need His help. So we go ahead and do it our way, and then we wonder when things go wrong why we waited so long to ask God in the first place. We ask Him finally when we’ve messed things up, instead of asking Him from the get-go.
The Lord doesn’t have to wait for a big problem to get involved. In the smallest thing we are faced with He wants to get involved. It really has nothing to do with what we can handle and what God can handle. It has everything to do with caring about God. Do we love Him? Do we care about His feelings? Then we will get Him involved with every little detail of our lives. Whether big or small, we will ask Him and talk to Him. It doesn’t matter even if you don’t think it’s important, or it’s so stupid He can’t possibly be bothered with it. Talk to Him about it anyway. Ask Him and get Him involved, because it has nothing to do with how big or how small our problem is. It has everything to do with how much you care about Him being involved in your life. The more we talk to God, the more we will have Him. The more we get Him involved in our lives, the more we will see Him. When we learn to involve Him in our little problems and scenarios in life, it lets Him know we care about Him. Then we will learn to cry out to Him without any hesitancy when we have bigger problems. Our faith in Him will increase by the time we have bigger problems to face, because we’ve learned to trust Him with our little problems.
It all boils down to this: He loves us so much. He cares about us very much. He wants to be involved. But do we want Him? Does He really mean anything to us? Do we really care about Him? If we do, we will ask and get Him involved with everything. Every little thing, like what to wear for the day, what to have for breakfast, lunch and dinner. What career to have, what kind of man (or woman) to marry. What lifestyle to have. What to read, what movie to watch, what to feel, and what to think or what thoughts to entertain, on and on and on. It doesn’t matter what you want or what you need or what you’re going through. If you want God in every part of you, then you will get Him involved in all parts of your life by talking to him about everything. He wants to get involved and be a part of every little thing we have in this life. After all, wasn’t He a part of every little thing it took to create us? Did we create ourselves? No. We had nothing to do with it. We didn’t give ourselves breath. We didn’t give ourselves bodies. We didn’t give ourselves soul, spirit, and brain. He did it all. Then one day we are out of our mother’s womb and we are breathing and we are living, and now we go about making decisions without Him. Is that right? No, I don’t think so. He loves us so much He gave His life for us at Calvary. We belong to Him and He belongs to us. We must always, all the time talk to Him and be with Him and ask Him for everything.
Do you want eternal life? Ask. Do you want more more of His Holy Spirit and more of the power of God in your life? Ask. Do you want peace in your marriage, healthy children, a happy life, and a career that gives Him glory? Ask. Do you want more money and be well off so you can give to others? Ask. Do you have questions in your heart that He alone can answer, and no one else can understand? Ask. Whatever it is, ask, and talk to Him. Don’t worry about whether the things you’re asking for might not be a good idea or not intelligent enough, or might even be wrong to ask Him for. Ask anyway. Let Him worry about it. Let Him decide whether it’s a good idea or not. Don’t worry about it. Just ask and talk to Him.
And if you really do want to know whether what you’re asking for is a good idea or not, ask Him. He’ll let you know. Ask Him what He wants you to be, what He would like for you to do for Him. Those kinds of questions will really get you a lot of favor in God’s eyes. He loves us so much He wants us to ask Him for anything we desire in this life. But if you really want to make Him happy, ask Him what He would like for you to do for Him. Ask Him what He would like for you to be in His kingdom. You’ll really get God’s attention then. You will be in a for a real treatment with God now. Not a lot of us like to do this. We all like to ask God to do things for us but not a lot of us like to ask Him what He thinks of us, or what He would like for us to do for Him. When you’ve learned to ask Him for everything you’re desiring and He’s granting it to you, try to reciprocate by asking Him what He would like for you to do for Him. Then you’ll really be in the will of God. In my experience, when He responds to your desire of truly wanting Him and not just for what He can do for you, you are going into a different level with Him. This time you’re going to skyrocket into eternity with Him. The sky is not a limit to you anymore, but the universe. Anything and everything will be possible for you because now you are doing the will of God, and now you are doing what He really desires for each and every one of us to do.
So please ask, for all things are possible to those that believe, and if you ask you will receive.
And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. {Matthew 21:22}
Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. {Psalm 37:4}
I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. {Psalm 34:4}
And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. {Jeremiah 29:13}
Heavenly Father, how gracious You are to me Lord. You are ever so faithful and true. Your love is great I cannot thank You enough. Lord Jesus, I love You so much. Thank You with all of my heart for Your great love for me. I love You Lord.
Father, I pray and ask that You will please help me to remember You all the time throughout the day. Help me to remember that I don’t have to go through life alone, that whatever it is I have need of, great or small, You’re a heart’s prayer away. Please Jesus, help me to love You always and give thanks to You always, because You never fail. Help me to love You more and more as the years go by.
I give You praise and give You all the glory, now and forever may Your name be magnified in all of the earth. I ask for more of Your presence in my life, I pray Father, in Your most wonderful and precious name, Jesus. Thank You, Father. Amen.
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