{Podcast Version} If we truly love ourselves we will make sure we are saved. There are no buts and ifs about it. We will fight with every heart and soul and strength we have in this life to be saved. If it means we have to be selfish about our life’s choices, and if it […]
On Death and Dying: What’s The Worst Thing That Can Happen to You?
What’s the worst thing that could happen to us? Die? That is what we fear the most – death, dying, leaving this world. All our fears can pretty much sum up to that – getting sick, ending up in the hospital, accident of any kind or car accident, getting killed, someone crazy enough to kill […]
How I Came To Believe In Hell (Part 2)
{Podcast Version} As I had mentioned in the part 1 of this blog post, the Lord showed me a vision of the hell fire that the scriptures talk about. I thought I’d continue with my story about hell, and tell the story of that vision that the Lord gave me one night. It was probably […]
How I Came To Believe In Hell
{Podcast Version} “Hell is hot. Hell is real.” This is what I was told again and again by my very pious mother growing up. Not just to me, but to all my brothers and sisters. We heard her say this again and again, to a point that it’s become a byword with us. But really, […]
Are You Prepared?
When disaster strikes are you prepared? Do you have an emergency plan on what to do just in case? I mean who really prepares for this stuff, right? The majority of us either don’t have the time to prepare for anything, or just don’t want to think about something bad is going to happen so […]